To improve user security and privacy, Telegram is turning off the "People Nearby" geolocation function and eliminating media uploads from its "Telegraph" blog. These...
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To improve user security and privacy, Telegram is turning off the "People Nearby" geolocation function and eliminating media uploads from its "Telegraph" blog. These...
After being arrested in France, Telegram founder Pavel Durov said he was surprised and angry at how the French government handled the case. He...
South Korea has started a probe into Telegram, mainly because it might help deepfake pornography get around. The country is stepping up its efforts...
President Emmanuel Macron has taken back his offer to Telegram founder Pavel Durov to visit France, saying that Durov's arrest is being handled by...
There are talks in Indonesia about banning Telegram because it doesn't police illegal material like pornography and online gaming. The move could have a...
After facing accusations related to his role at Telegram, the French authorities charged and released Telegram CEO Pavel Durov from custody. The country bars...
The Telegram Open Network (TON) faced a major outage, halting block production for over three hours due to a surge in trading for the...
The TON Society and the global #FreeDurov community have issued a strong condemnation of Telegram founder Pavel Durov's arrest in France, calling it a...
French President Emmanuel Macron has denied any political motive behind the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov, stating that the detention was part of...
In India, Telegram is under investigation for alleged involvement in extortion and gambling, with a potential ban looming. This comes on the heels of...