Telegram's creator, Pavel Durov, recently announced the company's intentions to launch a suite of decentralized cryptocurrency products, including an exchange and wallets that don't...
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Nokia has submitted a patent for a device and program that encrypt digital assets, marking its debut in the digital asset security market. The...
Purchasing over 620 bitcoins for $60 million, Japanese investment company Metaplanet has made their biggest Bitcoin buy. This aggressive buy shows the company's conviction...
Italy's data protection regulator fined OpenAI €15 million for privacy law violations. The probe revealed problems with data transparency, insufficient age verification, and incorrect...
Hex Trust introduced USDX, a native stablecoin, with the aim of enhancing the DeFi ecosystem on the Flare Network. Supported 1:1 with USD and...
Telegram's creator, Pavel Durov, recently announced the company's intentions to launch a suite of decentralized cryptocurrency products, including an exchange and wallets that don't...
Dominica DIDs will primarily be used for Know Your Customer (KYC) verification on cryptocurrency exchanges, the creation of Dominica bank accounts, loan applications, and...
According to a notice that Bitfront put out on November 27, all withdrawals will stop on March 31, 2023.
The Russo brothers' ABGO firm has been commissioned by Amazon to create a limited series around the current FTX crypto scam.
The measure is warranted by the high ecological and socioeconomic costs of bitcoin mining.