On Monday, August 26, French authorities will make a statement about the detention of Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram. Authorities reportedly detained the tech mogul on August 24 at an airport near Paris, but it’s unclear if they have officially arrested or charged him.
Initial reports suggested that problems with the Telegram messaging app’s moderation practices might be the cause of Durov’s detention. However, as of August 25, there has been no official confirmation of any charges against him.
According to the Washington Post, French officials have confirmed Durov’s detention and will release a statement. Meanwhile, the Russian embassy has contacted French authorities, seeking clarification and access to Durov, but the embassy claims that French officials have not cooperated.
Following Durov’s detention, messages of support for the Telegram CEO have flooded social media. The hashtag #FreeDurov has gained traction, with notable figures, including Elon Musk, expressing their backing. Musk shared a previous interview with Durov and reposted multiple supportive messages.
Telegram responded on August 25 with an official statement on its platform, asserting that the company complies with EU laws, including the Digital Services Act. The statement emphasized that Durov has nothing to hide and travels frequently across Europe. The company described the claims against Durov as absurd, highlighting nearly a billion people’s global use of Telegram for communication and accessing essential information. Telegram expressed hope for a swift resolution to the situation and reaffirmed its commitment to its users.