To improve both security and new ideas in the creation of artificial intelligence (AI), the Artificial Superintelligence Alliance (ASI) has called for a move toward autonomous cloud infrastructure. There was a recent statement from the ASI Alliance that said standard centralized cloud services, like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure, are weak.
Humayun Sheikh, CEO of ASI Alliance, said that centralized cloud systems are open to big risks, such as hacking and system breakdowns. He said that spreading the data and control among many separate nodes in a decentralized cloud system could lower these risks. This spread helps make sure that even if one node breaks, the system as a whole stays up and running and safe, which lowers the risk of major problems.
Sheikh agreed that devolution had some benefits, but he also pointed out some problems. There are technical problems, like making sure that all the nodes have the same speed and data integrity, and there are also problems with regulation and government because there isn’t a central point of control. In an open network, it’s harder to keep up with law and compliance standards.
The ASI Alliance also said that independence could make access to computing resources more open, which would help small businesses and coders compete better with the big tech companies. This change could lead to more new ideas and give new AI technologies more chances to be used.
Sheikh’s comments are in line with a wider view of decentralization that includes ideas put forward by well-known people like Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum. Buterin says that autonomy might not just affect technology, but also change the way society is set up, leading to more fair and participatory behavior.