Telegram has partnered with the TON Foundation to exclusively use The Open Network (TON) blockchain technology. This arrangement will accept Toncoin as the only cryptocurrency for all payments and services within Telegram’s ecosystem.Telegram and the TON Foundation have a long history of collaboration, and this decision builds on it.
The two companies collaborated to add TON-based functionality into Telegram, such as its Mini App ecosystem, payment gateways, and advertising platform. The move is likely to strengthen technology ties and boost TON’s utility within Telegram’s global user base of over 950 million monthly active users.
To maintain a consistent experience, Telegram will use TON Connect as the only protocol for connecting Mini Apps to blockchain wallets. Developers and consumers benefit from a more efficient approach to managing transactions, authorizations, and blockchain interactions. Under the new agreement,
Toncoin will be the sole payment method for Telegram services such as Telegram Stars, premium memberships, ads, and mini apps. Furthermore, only Toncoin will compensate developers and content providers for their contributions, including ad revenue and earned stars.
The platform also intends to tokenize digital assets such as emojis, stickers, and limited-edition NFTs solely on the TON blockchain. This decision is consistent with Telegram’s goal of solidifying its position as a top Web3 center while also promoting blockchain-based technologies. Developers utilizing Telegram’s Mini Apps must transition to the TON ecosystem by February 21 to avoid service disruptions.
Those who complete the shift by the deadline will get support from the TON Foundation, such as advertising credits and promotional rewards. As Telegram expands its blockchain goals, this collaboration is a critical step toward providing a seamless and integrated Web3 experience for its customers while driving increasing demand for Toncoin throughout the ecosystem.