As part of its attempts to increase regulatory compliance and enhance cooperation with local authorities, Telegram, the well-known messaging tool, is getting ready to build a local office in Kazakhstan Declaring the increasing relevance of content management and platform control in Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations, and Aerospace Industry made this declaration.
The Minister of Digital Development for Kazakhstan, Zhaslan Madiyev, underlined how Telegram’s presence will assist to improve control over the material on the site. With about 12.5 million monthly users, more than half of Kazakhstan’s population sees the action as a major step towards improved control of digital activity.
Focusing on topics like data privacy, fraud prevention, and the administration of false accounts, this choice reflects more general conversations between Kazakh officials and representatives of significant American tech companies such Meta and Apple. Using artificial intelligence, Meta, for example, banned 1.2 billion fake accounts in the third quarter of 2024.
Madiyev noted that Kazakhstan is aggressively removing unlawful information and blocking illegal channels by engaging with foreign platforms like Telegram. To guarantee they satisfy national legal criteria, recent rules now need platforms such Telegram, WhatsApp, and TikHub to have local representatives and offices.
While other nations are under more scrutiny, Telegram’s choice to extend its physical presence in Kazakhstan reflects also Since August, CEO Pavel Durov has been under continuous investigation in France on Telegram’s handling of illegal activity on the site. Telegram has responded by working to improve compliance, including, where needed, disclosing user data such phone numbers and IP addresses with authorities.
Telegram has changed its search engine to filter out troublesome information and using artificial intelligence to identify and block unlawful material, therefore strengthening the security of its network. With additional offices probably to come in the future, the founding of the Kazakhstan office represents one of the first stages in the company’s larger global endeavor to increase regulatory collaboration.