As soon as it comes out, Telegram will have a new tool that will let users turn limited-edition gifts into NFTs. CEO Pavel Durov just recently announced this new feature, which shows that the platform is incorporating blockchain technology more and more into its social environment. This change comes soon after Telegram added the Gifts feature on October 5. With Gifts, users can send personalized animated pictures as texts to their friends.
With the Gifts feature, users can put these images on their profiles or trade them in for Telegram Stars, which are the app’s cash. Stars, which were added to the app in June, are used to pay artists and make payments to Mini Apps. The new NFT translation choice, on the other hand, makes things more interesting and useful.
Users will be able to turn limited-edition gifts into TON-based NFTs by the end of this year. This will let them sell or auction them outside of Telegram. This change will turn digital items into blockchain assets, giving Telegram users more ways to make money from their activity.
The addition of this feature shows that Telegram is still trying to use Web3 innovations, even though the NFT market as a whole is having a hard time right now. In September 2024, NFT sales hit their lowest point since 2021. Both the volume of sales and the number of deals dropped by a large amount. Telegram is still hopeful about the future of NFTs and digital rights, though.
We think that this new feature will make Telegram’s Gifts more appealing by letting users turn these limited-edition things into assets that can be traded. Telegram is working hard to add blockchain technology because it wants to give users more power over their digital content as the platform continues to change quickly in the world of independent technology.
Even though the NFT market goes up and down, Telegram’s move into this area shows that it believes in the long-term promise of blockchain and NFTs. Telegram wants to give users a unique way to connect with their digital collectibles by making limited-edition digital things valuable assets that can be traded.