Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, and his girlfriend Juli Vavilova have said that they tragically lost their unborn child. They think that the...
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Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, and his girlfriend Juli Vavilova have said that they tragically lost their unborn child. They think that the...
Telegram is planning to add more blockchain features by letting users turn limited-edition gifts into non-fungible tokens (NFTs). When this new feature comes out...
The UAE has made changes to its tax laws that remove trades and conversions of cryptocurrencies from VAT. This makes the country more crypto-friendly,...
Hackers briefly took over LEGO's website by showing an ad for a fake coin called "LEGO Coin." The scam went on for about 75...
This week saw significant developments in technology and finance, with California's Governor Gavin Newsom vetoing an AI safety bill, Taiwan launching cryptocurrency ETFs for...
The Commodity Futures dealing Commission (CFTC) is looking into a plan to let digital assets be used as security when dealing commodities and swaps....
Meta has shown off its cutting-edge Hyperscape technology, which will change the way people interact with digital worlds in real time. With this new...
Visa has introduced the Visa Tokenized Asset Platform (VTAP), designed to facilitate the issuance and management of digital assets, including stablecoins and CBDCs. Currently...
Taiwan's Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) has released new rules for crypto firms that must be followed by September 2025 in order to stop money...
Transak has gotten its first Money Transmitter License (MTL) in Alabama. This is a big step toward offering its bitcoin services all over the...