Rumble founder and CEO Chris Pavlovski has announced his departure from Europe following the arrest of Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov, by French authorities. Pavlovski, who leads the video-sharing platform known for its resistance to censorship, shared on social media that he left Europe after France reportedly “threatened Rumble” and crossed a “red line” by detaining Durov.
The arrest of Durov, a Russian-born French citizen, occurred on August 24 at Paris–Le Bourget Airport. French police took him into custody based on a warrant related to an ongoing investigation into Telegram’s alleged non-cooperation with law enforcement. The platform is under scrutiny for not adequately moderating content, including illegal activities like child exploitation, drug trafficking, and fraud.
In response to Durov’s arrest, Pavlovski expressed his concerns and stated that Rumble is actively fighting in French courts for freedom of expression. He emphasized his support for Durov’s immediate release, while also noting that Rumble had previously blocked access to French users in 2022 due to disagreements with the French government over content restrictions.
Pavlovski did not disclose his current location, and Rumble has yet to comment further on the situation.