Pavel Durov, co-founder of Telegram, and his girlfriend Juli Vavilova shared the sad news that they had a miscarriage. They think that the stress of Durov’s arrest in France caused the miscarriage. A few weeks ago, the couple talked about how this event has affected their personal lives.
Vavilova found out she was pregnant for the first time on August 25, 2024, the same day that Durov was arrested by French police. When she found out she was pregnant, she was sitting in a café in Paris. The news shocked her. But she couldn’t tell Durov right away about the good news because he was still being held.
Vavilova didn’t answer police requests for questions because her doctor told her not to. She wanted to avoid stress during the early stages of her pregnancy. Even though things were hard, the pair started to get used to the idea of having a child. Unfortunately, the stress of Durov’s high-profile arrest and court fights became too much for him to handle. During a regular check-up on October 4, 2024, doctors told Vavilova that their baby’s heartbeat had stopped. In this case, she was ten weeks along.
After a months-long probe, Pavel Durov was first caught by French police on August 24, 2024. There were claims that both Durov and his brother Nikolai spread illegal content on Telegram, and French officials didn’t like how the platform moderated messages. Even though Durov was only detained for four days before being freed, the case has continued to get a lot of attention, leading to claims that the French government’s actions were political.
The sad deaths of Durov and Vavilova have made people even more angry about the arrest, and many have offered their condolences to the couple during this hard time. Even with these problems, Durov is still dedicated to running Telegram, which keeps adding new features and getting more users.
As the pair comes to terms with their loss, they have brought attention to the personal effects of the ongoing investigation. They have talked about how it has affected their lives in both mental and physical ways.
